Welcome to DMACC Continuing Education
DSP-Developmental Disabilities Certificate
CRN: 14792
Location: Online
Course/Section: HCSP525 100
Date: 09/10/2024 - 12/02/2024
Instructor: Muth Melanie
Contact Hrs: 40 hours
The purpose of this Online Certificate program is to provide education for individuals who may be new or currently working in the DSP Industry. This program is designed to help both employers and students together. Employers using this training program will help future and current employees by offering an educational experience that will help standardize the approach to training and allow more individuals to enter this career pathway through the information and knowledge gained. It also allows students/employees the opportunity for increasing knowledge and training to become more proficient in the field they are working towards. This program helps to give students enough information, background to help them as they begin their career in human services. Upon successful completion each student will earn a certificate. Course requirements: Access to reliable internet, computer or laptop to complete all online coursework This course is completed at your pace and at a time that works for you! Fall course registration is open from September 1, 2023 - October 15th, 2023. In order to earn the DSP Developmental Disabilities Certificate all online modules must be completed successfully by December 15, 2023.
Available Seats: 28     Fees: $750.00
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