Welcome to DMACC Continuing Education
Forensic Photography Fundamentals for LE
CRN: 32946
Location: Ankeny-Bldg 26
Course/Section: CRIM511 300
Date: 07/08/2024 - 07/17/2024
Room: 110
Instructor: Billings David
Time: 07:00PM - 09:00PM
Days: Monday, Wednesday
Contact Hrs: 8 hours
This course introduces students to the essential principles and techniques of forensic photography, focusing on the documentation and analysis of physical evidence crucial to criminal investigations. Through a combination of instruction and hands-on practice, students will learn how to utilize cameras effectively, capture detailed images of various types of evidence, and apply photographic principles to aid in crime scene documentation. This course emphasizes both theoretical knowledge and practical application, providing students with a solid foundation in forensic photography essential for careers in law enforcement and forensic science. IF available, the students bring the following: SLR Camera or similar, Macro (50mm or 60mm) and Wide Angle lens, external flash, sync cord, remote shutter release, tripod, 2 media cards, flashlight and scale. Class is limited to current law enforcement practitioners.
Available Seats: 11     Fees: $110.00
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