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Leadership Principles (Online)
CRN: 24557
Location: Online
Course/Section: SFTU564 200
Date: 02/03/2025 - 02/28/2025
Instructor: Co-Sponsored *
Contact Hrs: 16 hours
Especially for Gen Y (born 1980-1999), this online course serves as the first of three in a series addressing the development of Generation Y leadership. Find out what it takes to become an effective leader. Discover your style of leadership. Discuss task completion, building relationships with your subordinates, becoming socially perceptive to changes in the workplace, utilizing your emotions in a positive and effective manner, and addressing challenging goals. Finally, the course offers the opportunity to perform a case study analysis of workplace conflicts that require effective leadership, allowing you to apply your unique leadership characteristics revealed through completing the class. Please watch for your invitation email from teacher@ugotclass.org in your regular or junk mail a few days before the class start date. Registration closes on the class start date.
Available Seats: 99     Fees: $145.00
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