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Math Made EZ for Water,Distribution,Wastewater & Collection
CRN: 27392
Location: Zoom
Course/Section: WWAR90E 201
Date: 03/05/2025 - 03/05/2025
Instructor: Moehlmann Benjamin
Time: 10:00AM - 12:00PM
Days: Wednesday
Contact Hrs: 2 hours
MMEZ will give you a potluck of math topics. You will learn ways to do math easily, figure out what math problems are asking for, and learn how to use math to solve job related tasks and problems. This is an online class. You will need internet, camera, speakers, and microphone. Five fundamentals - making sense of variables and formulas. Join Ben Moehlmann of MMES.help as he demystifies the most important variables in the ABC (DNR) formula/conversion table. This will make the formulas easier to understand and use. You will also be able to show what a flow of 1 gallon per second looks like, which no operator has been able to do before taking this class.
Available Seats: 95     Fees: $60.00
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