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Machine Trade Print Reading
CRN: 16542
Location: Ankeny-Bldg 3E
Course/Section: MNFT527 100
Date: 08/23/2024 - 12/06/2024
Room: 121
Instructor: Rosenberry Mark
Time: 12:50PM - 05:00PM
Days: Friday
Contact Hrs: 60 hours
A beginning blueprint reading course covering basic visualization of shapes and sizes, freehand sketching of objects. Includes section lining, print alterations and projection. Course is required as part of Manufacturing - Quality Inspection Certificate. Requires the same text as MFG121, available from the Ankeny bookstore. ISBN: 9780831136147. Contact gpbriggs@dmacc.edu for more information.
Available Seats: 12     Fees: $725.00
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