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Revenue Generation for Nonprofits (Online)
CRN: 24525
Location: Online
Course/Section: SFTU528 200
Date: 02/03/2025 - 03/28/2025
Instructor: Co-Sponsored *
Contact Hrs: 32 hours
In this online course, build revenue streams for your non-profit organization. They are essential not only to keep your doors open but also to expand your services. Discover how to increase revenue from your current activities. Develop strategies for building new ones. Know how to effectively set prices or fees. Understand the 20% that generates 80% of your revenue. These are basic concepts that will yield greater results. After taking this course you will have the knowledge to improve your revenue generation and generate a better surplus. Please watch for your invitation email from teacher@ugotclass.org in your regular or junk mail a few days before the class start date. Registration closes on the class start date.
Available Seats: 99     Fees: $495.00
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