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STICK Welding (SMAW)
CRN: 14754
Location: Ankeny-Bldg 10
Course/Section: WELD510 100
Date: 09/14/2024 - 10/19/2024
Room: 07, 11
Instructor: Griffith Brian
Time: 08:00AM - 01:00PM
Days: Saturday
Contact Hrs: 30 hours
Intermediate for those seeking a challenge. Learn Shielded Metallic Arc Welding (SMAW) using proper techniques and procedures. This course stresses safety, electrode selection, machine settings, weld sizing and more. Learn arc length, electrode angle, and amperage settings to produce quality welds. Necessary personal protective equipment responsibility of each student. PPE responsibility of each student. PPE requirements explained on 1st day of class.
Available Seats: Full     Fees: $395.00
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