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Travelogue History of Small but Mighty Portugal
CRN: 15957
Location: Southridge Center
Course/Section: LRST715 100
Date: 10/28/2021 - 11/18/2021
Room: 21
Instructor: Wagner Richard
Time: 09:00AM - 11:00AM
Days: Thursday
Contact Hrs: 8 hours
This course looks at the history, culture and peoples of Portugal from its beginnings to the present. The instructor will use many photographs from his personal trips to Portugal via Power Point and commentary on the many issues that made Portugal the leader in building an interconnected or the first global society via its empire. This course highlights the Portuguese as a seafaring and adventurous people who made it first to North America, India, China, Japan and accidentally to South America and how they brought home the riches these areas offsetting the Italian trading states and the Middle East bazars. But it also deals with the people and their history in Portugal from the past to the present (which includes its spectacular geography, seacoast, and cultural treasures and the Portuguese who came as immigrants to the United States. This little nation and its people built an empire and made the obscure Portuguese language the fifth most spoken language in the world. In the end, it deals with why people travel to Portugal.
Available Seats: 15     Fees: $50.00
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