Welcome to DMACC Continuing Education
30 Hr Wastewater Treatment Basics
CRN: 15662
Location: Online Virtual Classroom
Course/Section: WWAR505 100
Date: 08/27/2024 - 09/12/2024
Instructor: Tonarelli Anthony
Time: 09:00AM - 12:00PM
Days: Tuesday, Thursday
Contact Hrs: 30 hours
This course covers the basics of wastewater sources, characteristics, operations and regulations as well as biological treatment principles, wastewater math. Participants will have an overview of the operation of preliminary, primary and secondary treatment operations. This course & 6 months experience satisfies the requirements to take the State Grade 1 Exam. This is a good review for the Grade II exam. Text books and class material provided.
Available Seats: 95     Fees: $625.00
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