Welcome to DMACC Continuing Education
Administrative Support Professional
CRN: 25034
Location: Southridge Center
Course/Section: OFFC514 201
Date: 02/05/2024 - 04/10/2024
Instructor: Staff *
Time: 06:00PM - 09:00PM
Days: Monday, Wednesday
Contact Hrs: 80 hours
Administrative professionals are key in the smooth day-to-day operation of most companies. In this course you will learn effective written and verbal communication skills, techniques for working in teams, skills to deliver excellent customer service, telephone etiquette, techniques to support multiple people, and build on your skills in Windows, Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint. All books and materials included. Prerequisites: mouse skills and basic knowledge/use of Word and Excel applications.
Available Seats: 12     Fees: $1,300.00
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