Welcome to DMACC Continuing Education
College Entrance Exam Prep
CRN: 25001
Location: Web Blended
Course/Section: CDEV703 200
Date: 04/20/2024 - 06/01/2024
Instructor: Staff *
Contact Hrs: 15 hours
College Entrance Exam Prep will cover the basics of the college entrance exam process. Since the ACT is the most popular college entrance exam in Iowa, we will focus on that test. Our first session will be a review of ACT basics. Then, we will review the ACT section by section, covering the content of the test, the best strategies for tackling each section, and completing a portion of a practice ACT. We will also review content and strategies for the SAT, Accuplacer, and ALEKS tests, discuss when students might encounter each test, and explore the best processes for scheduling exams and reviewing for them before testing day. Students will take a full ACT practice test at the end of the class and will receive individualized feedback on their test results.
Available Seats: 15     Fees: $90.00
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